Monday 4 July 2016

3 Reasons Why Kids Should Participate in STEM Summer Camp

STEM summer camps are a wonderful means of teaching STEM subjects with the help of fun and engaging activities. 

In recent years, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) related exercises have been among the most famous additions to summer camp projects. These programs give campers the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the subjects in an unconventional way, which as a matter of fact, prove to be more enjoyable than scanning through textbooks. There is no denying that the learning experience availed in a STEM Summer Camp helps children not only through their growing years, but even beyond that, throughout their professional lives. Here are a few reasons why parents should ensure that their kids attend these events:

1.      The fun way to know more

It has been scientifically proven that the experience of hands-on learning lasts longer in the brain as compared to merely reading and writing about a subject. Camp exercises are primarily intended to stress on learning through fun, particularly in those subjects, which seem dull and uninteresting in school. These programs help the child to develop a liking and interest towards that particular subject.

2.      Opening up and discovering talent

Summer camps are not limited to the walls of the classroom. They provide an informal environment for the child to discover his or her talent and be open about it. By participating in STEM after school activities & programs, kids can figure out what truly interests them. They can even turn these areas of interest into their passions and strive towards honing their skills.

3.      A free ambience 

Camps aim to educate the kids about the fundamentals of the subjects by letting them delve in an open and free environment. Such events allow students to get a break from the mundane classroom ambience, which in turn, encourages them to indulge in free flowing thoughts, thereby empowering them to have a stronger grasp on the subject. Of course, this sense of freedom is not absolute, as they also have to undertake a slew of responsibilities, such as keeping themselves safe, reporting on time, and finishing off assignments.

STEM camps aim to amalgamate several fundamentals, which are normally taught as isolated subjects in schools. They accentuate the application of practical knowledge and aid in establishing a strong foundation of STEM. Riverdales After School organizes fun-filled and exceptional STEM Summer Camp, which ensures that the child earns better grades in school as well as becomes fully equipped to face the challenges of later life.